New Cleaning Staff
We are please to welcome David to our ever expanding team of cleaners! David has many years of experience in the cleaning industry and...
Balancing work and life - what we're doing to help
The most crucial components of an effective and happy team of staff are job satisfaction and a supportive management team. That’s why...
Eco-Cleaning: How to switch to sustainable practices and choose the right products!
It’s come to our attention that a lot of people don’t really know where to start when it comes to choosing eco products, so we put...
More than ‘just a job’: Why you should consider entering the cleaning profession
One of the reasons we’ve structured our business the way we do is to change the stigma around the cleaning sector. Many people have...
Cleaning, sustainability and cost of living crisis: what you can do
Sustainable cleaning practices can be difficult even when we’re not in the midst of a cost of living crisis, but the benefits of shopping...
We are pleased to be able to announce the launch of our own product range! Our NEW high performance toilet cleaner is great at removing...
At The Little Cottage Cleaning Company, we are an Investors in People Accredited company who are passionate about ecological cleaning. We...
VIP Services
At The Little Cottage Cleaning Company we have a great reputation for providing the best possible ecological cleaning service. It should...
Social Media Excites Us!
We are excited to have a new employee who will be getting our social media up and running! Katharyn comes to us via the University of...
Suspension of Services
We regret to advise we are suspending all services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be re-opening for service as soon as we are...