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Coronavirus - Our message sent to clients

Dear Customer

I am writing to you regarding the current and developing situation with Coronavirus, Covid-19 throughout the UK.

I would like to inform you about the steps we have taken, in addition to our existing cross contamination policies.

You will no doubt be aware that as time progresses the UK Government is also increasing the measures taken to stop the spread of the virus. As details are released by them, we will of course need to adjust our business practices as necessary.

As a reputable cleaning company we already have strict measures in place to stop cross contamination between rooms within a clients home, and indeed between different clients properties. These include:

Colour coding equipment and cloths, red for bathrooms, green for kitchens and blue for living/bedroom areas

Paper products used to clean toilets and bidets

Disposable sponges which are also colour coded minimum 1 x red per property and 1 x green per property, disposed of after each property

Using microfiber cloths to clean surfaces leads to reducing the number of bacteria by 99%, whereas a conventional cleaning cloths reduce this number only by 33%

Microfiber cleaning cloths are not reused between propeties, on average we use 50-60 cloths per visit, per property

Using industry leading eco products, many of which also have antibacterial and disinfectant properties, to ensure surfaces are left as clean as possible

Floor cleaning machines which remove dirty water from the floor after washing. This also means there is no requirement to use mops/buckets between properties.

Using hospital grade detergent to clean equipment certified to European Standards EN1276 and EN1760

Staff wear uniforms including disposable gloves which are changed between properties and indoor shoes so not dirt is brought inside

In addition to these measures we have also:

Ensured any staff member who has any symptoms of a high temperature or cough, no matter how slight, advise management immediately

Insisted all staff wear disposable gloves at every property, even for dusting, which are changed between properties

Issued sanitizing hand gel to all staff to use before and after each property

Provided face masks for staff to wear if requested individually by our customers (The UK Government does not currently advise the use of face masks)

I will of course keep up to date with any changes needed as the situation develops. I would also request that you inform me immediately if you, or any resident of your property, is self isolating, or at risk of, or showing any symptoms of, Coronavirus.

If required we are able to use alcohol based disinfectants when carrying out your cleaning duties to ensure the surfaces in your home are as sterile as possible. Unfortunately these are not Eco Friendly. Please let me know if this is something you would like doing and I will make the necessary arrangements.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Andrew The Little Cottage Cleaning Company 0118 328 0110

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The Little Cottage Cleaning Company

The Little Cottage, High Street

Sonning, Berkshire


Domestic Cleaning Company & Berkshire ECO Cleaners

Little Cottage Industries (Berkshire) Limited

1 Richfield Place, 12 Richfield Avenue

Reading, Berkshire


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Little Cottage Industries Limited

1 Richfield Place, 12 Richfield Avenue

Reading, Berkshire


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